As Dora the Explorer, who was friends with a talking monkey named Boots, where searching for crabs, they where skipping across the shoreline Boots and Dora where splashing in the sea, they came across a puzzle.
"Oh no!" said Dora.
"It's a tsunami we have to warn the animals," says Boots.
Dora explained the bad news to them, the animals were panicking and screaming.
"Calm down every body, I got an idea," explained Dora.
"What is it?" said Boots.
"Backpack I need a hot air ballon,"asked Dora.
"Backpack, Backpack, Backpack, here you go," sung Backpack.
"Hooray, everyone in the hot air ballon," gladly cheers Boots.
"Look at the tsunami," exclaimed Boots.
"Oh look, the baby crabs they survived the tsunami," commented Dora.
"Look another village and a jungle," says Dora.
"I hope they let us stay there," said Boots.
"Off course you can stay, my land is your land," replied the villager.
And they all lived happily ever after.
The End.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
I like the way there is a lot of direct speech and you have remembered to put paragraphs in all the right places. I'm not sure I understand the first sentence but it's a great story and keep on writing.