Tuesday, 27 November 2012


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Fizz has pitch black eyes and she's whiter then snow she's fluffy like a pillow and cute like my mum and she sleepy like me.

In the sun she nice and kind and she kills all the mice one to ten, she fetches the mail when it hails, she is friendly and fun she likes eating buns, she is so cool she gets to go in the pool.

But fizz has a dark side at night she keeps people up leaving them a dump.
She poos on the bed giving them a bad head.
She rips the curtains trying to find a tip and she chews the shoes.

When it was morning the family was mad when they saw what Fizz did so they put here in a cage and told her she was bad they made her think about what she's done so she never was bad again and she was still allowed to have fun.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Natalya S

Natalya is eight and she lives in Rolleston. She has
three sisters.In her spare time she likes to go swimming.when she older she wants to be rich. Her favorite food is tacos. Her favorite subject is reading. She is really annoyed when her friends ditch her. She is scared of ghost.

Stop Motion Animation

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Burnham school

Burnham rocks.
Really awesome games and Teachers.
No bullies.
Having fun.
Amazing kids.
Mean sport equipment.

Sun shine.
Cool friends.
Heaps of laughs.
Out side.
Our community.
Love our school.


Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Cultural Festival 2012

On September 4th it was the Cultural Festival and  Burnham School was performing in the Cultural Festival I was so nervous that I all most peed my pants.

When we got to the CBS arena we had to wear black shorts, piu piu, and we had to take our shirts off and we wear a head band first we watch some other schools and then we performed.   

 My heart was pumping when 3000 people eyes were looking at me I started to do the haka, I felt brave   I carryed on with the haka with a fearsome pukana.

After the haka we did ka pioioie we got together in a big group and started singing, next we sang reach,   
we got out of the group and the girls started their poi when we were finished we walked off. Then we watched a little more schools and it was one of the funnest and nervous time of my life. Next we went back to school.   

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Statistical Investigation

Most popular was to two people called richi macaw and israle dag.
The least popular was kiearn read.
The most middle popular was zac guildford.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

3d shapes

Today we had maths about 3d shapes and we had a challenged with cubes and we had to draw it down

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Tuesday, 27 March 2012



Autumn is soooo fun 
I love playing on tree's because it make's a crunching noises, that sound like fresh toast, im having in the morning. 
Autumn trees soon become naked while leaves are dying of old age.